Johnny Kääpä

STEAL THESE PHOTOS! You may download pictures and use them on your blog, Facebook or Instagram, just put a link back to me or my Facebookpage. My name is @fotoscenen on Insta. If you want to use my images commercially, i. e. if your blog is sponsored by advertising, then I want to get payed as well. That makes sense right. If you are one of the artists I've shot, contact me at fotoscenen at and we'll make a deal. I'm not expensive. Or you may share the blogpost or share the picture I've posted on my Facebookpage. Why steal from a fellow artist. That's just not right...

Makro fun

Det finns en kul funktion i min Olympuskamera där man kan ta makrobilder med ett större skärpedjup. Det går till så att kameran tar fem bilder i snabb följd och sen slår den ihop dessa och har man tur får man en snygg bild. Den beiga flugbilden har jag tagit med stativ, eller i varje …

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