Johnny Kääpä

STEAL THESE PHOTOS! You may download pictures and use them on your blog, Facebook or Instagram, just put a link back to me or my Facebookpage. My name is @fotoscenen on Insta. If you want to use my images commercially, i. e. if your blog is sponsored by advertising, then I want to get payed as well. That makes sense right. If you are one of the artists I've shot, contact me at fotoscenen at and we'll make a deal. I'm not expensive. Or you may share the blogpost or share the picture I've posted on my Facebookpage. Why steal from a fellow artist. That's just not right...

Lena Philipsson på Liseberg

Kommer ni ihåg när Lena Philipsson utnämndes till Sveriges sexigaste kvinna? Hur var det, dom hittade väl ingen att efterträda henne? Jag tror vi var ganska många i den rätt homogena publiken av 50-åringar på Liseberg, som tänkte, jo rimligt, det är hon nog fortfarande.

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